International Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences
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(ICV-Poland) Impact Value: 5.62

Online ISSN: 2278-1404

International Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences

Subtyping of HIV - 1 BY gag heteroduplex mobility assay

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Year 2015 Vol 4 Issue 2
Document Type : original article
1Santanu Das 1 2 Srikanth Tripathy 2
11 Department of Biotechnology, Seshadripuram First Grade College, Yelahanka New Town, Bangalore, Karnataka
2Molecular Virology National AIDS Research Institute (ICMR) Pune, Maharashtra, India
Surveillance of the different HIV - 1 subtypes has important implications for developing candidate vaccines and understanding the dynamics of HIV - 1 transmission in various populations. In this study, HIV - 1 viral subtypes were determined for homologies in p24 region by the heteroduplex mobility assay (HMA) in 124 patients and by sequencing of ‘ gag gene’ with sexually transmitted diseases (STD) in selected places all over India

Proviral DNA from whole blood and from PBMC’s from recent sero - converters and seropositive individuals were analyzed.
Of 121 samples analyzed, 115 (95%) were HIV - 1 C subtype, 5(4%) were HIV - 1 A subtype and 1(1%) was HIV - 1 B subtype. Further analysis revealed that 114 (99%) of the C subtype samples had maximum homology to the C6 - Indian reference strain, while 1 (1%) was most homologous to the C3 - Zambian strain. Conclusion: These findings have important implications for the design and testing of effective candidate HIV - 1 vaccines in India.
HIV - 1 heteroduplex mobility assay AIDS STD
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