Docking of a Cyperus rotundus compound ‘15-Hydroxy-4-oxo-10-pentadecynoic acid lactone’ with antidiabetic drug targets: A comparative study
PDF (512 KB) Year 2014 Vol 3 Issue 2 Document Type : Original article
1Lydia J 2Sudarsanam D 11Research and Development Centre, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore-46.
22Department of Advanced Zoology, Biotechnology and Bioinformatics, Loyola College, Chennai-34, India
Abstract Cyperus rotundus L. or Mustaka or Motha is a medicinal herb that grows as a turf grass in the sandy
or loamy soils of the tropical and subtropical parts of the world. It belongs to the plant family Cyperaceae. The grass is widely
known for its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti diabetic and immune modulating properties. The present study
explores the antidiabetic potential of a particular compound, ‘15-Hydroxy-4-oxo-10-pentadecynoic acid lactone’obtained by
GCMS study, via a series of docking experiments, and ADMET studies. It unravels the several ligand-target interactions
that should possibly contribute to this property, and systematically compares it with the binding energy scores of commercial
antidiabetic compounds such as metformin and gliclazide.
Keywords Cyperus rotundus L. 15-Hydroxy-4-oxo-10-pentadecynoic acid lactone, metformin and Gliclazide
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