Neutral a-mannosidase from fungus Aspergillus fischeri (NCIM 508) belongs to Class IIC subfamily
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Year 2012 Vol 1 Issue 4 Document Type : SHORT COMMUNICATION
1Shashidhara KS1,2* 2 Prashanth Kumar HP1 3 Sameer Srivastava2 4 Gaikwad SM2 11Department of Biotechnology, Sapthagiri College of Engineering, Bangalore, Karnataka, 560057 India., 2Biochemical Sciences Division, CSIR-National Chemical Laboraory, Pune, Maharastra, 411008 India
21Department of Biotechnology, Sapthagiri College of Engineering, Bangalore, Karnataka, 560057 India.,
32Biochemical Sciences Division, CSIR-National Chemical Laboraory, Pune, Maharastra, 411008 India
42Biochemical Sciences Division, CSIR-National Chemical Laboraory, Pune, Maharastra, 411008 India
AbstractThe a-mannosidase gene from Aspergillus fischeri was isolated by DNA and RNA
methodCloning of gene, isolation of recombinant plasmid and sequencing of gDNA gene was
carried out and bioinformatic analysis was done for gene to get intron-exon information and for sequence homology:The a-mannosidase gene from Aspergillus fischeri is 1990 base pair long and sequence analysis showed
presence of three introns and four exons in the gene. BLAST analysis revealed 100% similarity to the Neosartorya
fischeri (A. fischeri) and 94% with Aspergillus fumigatus class I a-mannosidase reported in NCBI Gene Data Bank. The neutral a-mannosidase from Aspergillus fischeri could belong to the Class IIC subfamily.
Keywords: a-mannosidase gene, Aspergillus fischeri, Cloning, Sequencing, gDNA.StatisticsArticle View:PDF Download:2530XML Download:933