International Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences
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(ICV-Poland) Impact Value: 5.62

Online ISSN: 2278-1404

International Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences

An overview on the in vitro regeneration of Canna

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Year 2015 Vol 4 Issue 2
Document Type : review article
1anmayee Mishra 1 2Arvind Kumar Goyal 2 3Arnab Sen
11 Department of Botany, University of North Bengal, Siliguri, - 734013, West Bengal, India,
2Bamboo Technology, Department of Biotechnology, Bodoland University, Kokrajhar - 783370, BTAD, Assam, India
3Department of Botany, University of North Bengal, Siliguri, - 734013, West Bengal, India
Canna , the solitary genus of the family Cannaceae and order Zingiberales, comprises of about 51 species of flowering plants. It is a horticultural plant but its agricultural importance can’t be undervalued. Canna is a self pollinating plant and require outside pollinator due to its typical flower structure. Propagation through seed germination is not considered reliable. In order to pro duce genetically modified and improved varieties of Canna , various in vitro techniques had been studied. Thus the present study reflects a comprehensive review on in vitro propagation of Canna species with special reference to some other members of Zingiberales.

Canna Cannaceae Zingiberales in vitro propagation tissue culture
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