An in vitro new vista to identify hypoglycemic activity
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Year 2012 Vol 1 Issue 2 Document Type : Original Article
1Sushil Kumar Middha 1 2Talambedu Usha 2* 11 Department of Biotechnology, Bhimtal Campus, Kumaun University, Nainital, Uttrakhand-263136, India,
22 Department of Biotechnology & Biochemistry, Maharan i Lakshmi Ammanni College for Women, Bangalore-560012, India
AbstractThe present study aimed to detect a novel
method for some of indigenous plant
extracts which demonstrate inhibitory effect to glu
cose oxidase and are in use of our traditional reme
dial system for
hypoglycemic impending.
KeywordsDiabetes Indigenous plants Antihyperglycemic activity Glucose oxidase.StatisticsArticle View:PDF Download:2360XML Download:2297