Effect of stoltf-k migration filters on ground penetrating radar imaging
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Year 2016 Vol 5 Issue 4 Document Type : ORIGINAL ARTICLE
1Hussain M. AlmHussain M. Almusawi1usawi 2Musadage I. Alhemiri 3B. A. Almayahi 1Departm1Department of Physics, Education College for Girls, University of Kufa, Najaf, Iraent of Physics, Education College for Girls, University of Kufa, Najaf, Iraq
2Department of Physics, Education College for Girls, University of Kufa, Najaf, Iraq
3Department of Environment, Faculty of Science, University of Kufa, Najaf, Iraq
AbstractSome filters such as (Stolt F-K Migration) and complimentary filters are used to study the effectives. Some filters such as (Stolt F-K Migration) and complimentary filters (Time –Zero Adjustment,
Background Removal, and Band –Pass) are used to study the effectiveness, digital filters, and to enhance the quality This filter considered one of the advanced processing filters in general. GPR is a device that transmits short pulses of electromagnetic energy with pulse duration about 1 ns to 20 ns with a high-frequency range from 10 MHz to 1000 MHz in the ground by a transmitting antenna. The input analogue signals digitized and quantified using an analogue-to-digital the converter in order to be ready for processing in the computer to create images called the radargram. Results: The important feature focused on making
visible the weak signals and improves certain components required to interpret the data. Conclusions: Applying Stolt
F-K Migration filter on profile GPR cretaceous limestone rock detected at a depth of 3.75m. Whereas, applying the
filter to the same profile of water pipe at a depth (0.632m)near the road for the faculty of pharmacy at the direction
from north to south. When applying the filter) to the same profile of difference in the thickness of pavement layers
which consist of a foundation layer and a layer of asphalt
KeywordsKeywords: Radexplorer software, hyperbola cretaceous, limestone rock, Time–Zero Adjustment, Background
Removal, Band-pass filtersStatisticsArticle View:PDF Download:2432XML Download:783