International Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences
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Online ISSN: 2278-1404

International Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences

In-silico discovery of potential anti-malarial drugs targeting pfATP6 using Artemisinin as a model

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Year 2017 Vol 6 Issue 3
Document Type : Short Communication
1Anushree Jai Kumar, 2Deeshani Laxmesh Salian, 3Pradeep S
1Department of Biotechnology , BMS Institute of Technology, Bangalore-560 064; Karnataka, India
2Department of Biotechnology , BMS Institute of Technology, Bangalore-560 064; Karnataka, India
3Department of Biotechnology , BMS Institute of Technology, Bangalore-560 064; Karnataka, India
Malaria is one among the major reasons responsible for deaths worldwide than any other parasitic disease.
Due to the emergence of strains that are resistant to the current chemotherapeutic antimalarial arsenal, the search for new antimalarial drugs remains urgent though hampered by a lack of knowledge regarding the molecular mechanisms of artemisinin resistance.
In this study, pfATP6 is used as a target to come up with different compounds that have high binding affinity to it. Artemesinin constitutes the frontline treatment to aid rapid clearance of parasitaemia and quick resolution of malarial symptoms. Artemesinin, which is the current anti-malarial, has some drawbacks like low bioavailability which makes it even more necessary to develop more effective anti-malarial drugs.

Malaria, pfATP6, artemesinin, docking studies
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